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Without Losing Your Assets
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Great New User Dashboard
Automating using smart contracts for real-time updates and transparent information across the platform.
Track, monitor and witness the revolution that is Vibrannium.
Stake through
Stake LYC & Siito on the Vibrannium platform to earn sustainable rewards with VIB tokens. Value generation in Web3 at its finest.
Native Staking
Become a Delegator via Vibrannium’s LYC Validator Protocol. Supporting LycanChain’s robust network and earning steady APR!
Liquidity Mining
Automated Staking protocol on the Vibrannium’s platform allows users to pool their funds back into the Vibrannium’s Liquidity Pool, thus enabling value appreciation.
Why Stake
with Vibrannium?
Stake through
Vibrannium is more than just a staking protocol for leveraging steady ROI, Vibrannium will be your Gateway to everything Web3.
Stable, Secure & Sustainable
Moving away from traditional issues, Vibrannium has upgraded to becoming 100% decentralised and automated the entire platform using Smart Contracts.
MarketplaceIntroducing Crowd-Participation in Projects via fractional ownership using NFTs would further boost the utility of VIB tokens on the LycanChain Network.
Going Over
and BeyondVibrannium shall Introduce Multiple Opportunities in Education, Tourism and Banking to enable our everyday users to utilise and monetise VIB tokens.
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